Featuring the latest campaigns and updates from Driver Require
July 2024
Steering Your Driving Recruitment Strategy: This survey is designed to help you better understand your current recruitment practices, and how an agency can help you. Receive a personalised report and strategies to help drive your recruitment forwards.
August 2023Following the release of our fifth bulletin “The HGV Driver Shortage Crisis, Where Are We Now”, we received revised statistics from the Office for National Statistics which shed some interesting light.Most significantly, another crisis may be on the horizon much sooner than originally anticipated. We previously believed the 2021 driver shortage was caused by a 23% drop in drivers (70,000) from pre-pandemic levels (Q1 2020). However, revised ONS statistics indicate the shortage was in fact triggered by a smaller 15% drop (45,000) between the pre-pandemic period and crisis point in Q2 2021.In this bulletin we will re-examine our previous conclusions in light of these new, more accurate ONS statistics. This will provide fresh insight into the factors behind the 2021 Driver Shortage Crisis.
June 2023Our fifth Bulletin provides an update on where we are with the HGV Driver Shortage Crisis, reviewing Q1 2023 data by the Office for National Statistics.The bulletin confirmed the expected; the UK HGV driver workforce has remained stable for the fourth successive quarter. We are observing the same conditions as pre-pandemic years, returning to a chronic low-level shortage with seasonal fluctuations.The focus remains on campaigning for improved HGV driver facilities, working conditions and pay to ensure we don't return to a HGV driver shortage crisis.
Oct 2022
Our fourth Bulletin to the Driver Require Think Tank report “THE ANSWER TO THE UK’s HGV DRIVER SHORTAGE” provides an update on the UK’s HGV driver shortage following the release of the Q2 2022 data by the Office for National Statistics.
This bulletin analyses the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the period April to June and continues the same positive trajectory as Bulletin 3, reflecting further increases in the driver pool.
The bulletin concluded that we are likely to return to the pre-pandemic conditions of a chronic low-level driver shortage, and an ageing workforce with insufficient younger drivers to replenish the driver pool.
Aug 2022This third Bulletin to the Driver Require Think Tank report “THE ANSWER TO THE UK’s HGV DRIVER SHORTAGE” provides an update on the UK’s HGV driver shortage following the release of the Q1 2022 data by the Office for National Statistics (“ONS”).This bulletin analyses the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (“QFLS”) for the period January to March (“Q1”) and shares some positive insights. The driver pool has increased across all age groups and nationalities, thought to be due to improved working conditions and remuneration.Even though the overall number of HGV delivery drivers is beginning to improve, there is still a long way to go to increase the number of younger HGV drivers – this group being key to the haulage sector’s long-term success.We believe that by producing this Bulletin we have provided an encouraging update on the UK’s HGV driver shortage and hope this prompts the government and the haulage sector to take action to continue this upwards trend.
Feb 2022
This second Bulletin to the Driver Require Think Tank report "THE ANSWER TO THE UK'S HGV DRIVER SHORTAGE" provides further insight into the UK’s HGV driver shortage following the release of the Q4 2021 data by the Office for National Statistics (“ONS”).
This bulletin analyses the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (“QLFS”) for the period October to December (“Q4”) and the latest HGV driving test statistics to discover some very worrying underlying trends within the UK’s HGV driver pool.
While the size of the overall HGV driver pool has not changed in Q4, this Bulletin specifically identifies severe churn in the under 30 age group, this being the group that we need to attract, retain and develop for the future success of the haulage sector.
We believe that by producing this Bulletin we have provided further compelling evidence that will help focus action by the government and the haulage sector to address the underlying causes of the UK’s HGV driver shortage.
Nov 2021
This first Bulletin to the Driver Require Think Tank report “THE ANSWER TO THE UK'S HGV DRIVER SHORTAGE” provides new insight into the UK’s HGV driver shortage following the release of the Q3 2021 data by the Office for National Statistics (“ONS”).
These statistics, specifically the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (“QLFS”) for the period July to September (“Q3”), are the best available measure for estimating the size of the HGV driver pool and its composition by age and nationality. We studied this set of QLFS results and produced a thorough evaluation of the UK’s Driver Shortage, which delivers a positive and insightful set of conclusions.
We believe that by producing this Bulletin we have provided a further reference point that will bolster arguments to act to address the UK’s HGV driver shortage.
Sep 2021
Our previous Report predicted the impact and potential for a driver shortage and received substantial national and international coverage in the media. This second, updated Report provides a thorough, forensic analysis of the actual impact the crisis has had on the sector and is a detailed investigation of the actions that can be taken to address the shortage. This Report sets out to debunk some of the misconceptions and incorrect information being circulated. It provides a well-researched and vetted set of data that we can all use with confidence to develop effective remedies to the current HGV driver shortage.
Jun 2021
This Report is an extension to the Driver Require Think Tank's first published investigation into the critical HGV driver shortage; it focuses on the longer-term issues of the aging HGV driver workforce and the severe depletion of the younger HGV driver pool, which presents a serious and immediate threat to the UK Haulage Sector.
May 2021
Driver Require has been tracking the UK’s HGV driver shortage issue for a number of years. We have refined our thinking and conclusions through a series of reports on this subject and on the impact of COVID-19 on the UK haulage sector. We have brought together a panel of leading haulage sector experts to investigate and take action to mitigate against the impact of the UK’s HGV driver shortage. This report concludes that the UK haulage sector is currently facing a critical HGV driver shortage and sets out both short-term and longer-term actions to urgently resolve this crisis.
Updated Dec 2020
This White Paper and Action Plan defines IR35 and what impact it will have on the haulage sector. We have defined a set of actions that all haulage companies should follow to be properly prepared for when the IR35 reforms take effect in the Private Sector in April 2021.
16 Sep 2020
In the July release of our updated, consolidated Covid-19 Report, we made the bold statement that we expect there will no longer be an LGV driver shortage in the UK; at least not until we are fully out of the post-COVID-19 recession, which could be more than 3 years away. We now realise that the LGV driver shortage will remain unresolved and is likely to worsen, at least in the short term. This bulletin explains why.
This report discusses the impending “perfect storm” of conditions that will likely bring the shortage of LGV drivers in the UK to crisis level unless rates of pay and working conditions are rapidly improved.
Sep 2020
This report has been written to provide UK Haulage Operators and their bluecollar temporary staff providers with a clearer understanding of how COVID-19 has affected and will continue to affect this sector for many years to come. But it’s not just about COVID-19, it also brings together all the other challenges we may face and opportunities that await us in the coming decade. It is essentially a “Road Map” for you to use as a guide and as a checklist when formulating your response to the changing circumstances and when developing your company strategy and business plans.
This is a consolidated version incorporating previous separate releases which were structured as follows:
a) The Impact of COVID-19 – Section 1: Economic Crisis, Recession & Recovery Scenarios (Part 1)
This report was initially produced in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we analysed the effect of lockdowns on the haulage sector and the consequent social and economic crisis. We look at how this is likely to evolve over time and we develop a number of possible recovery scenarios.
b) The Impact of COVID-19 – Section 2: The Effects of Recession on the UK Haulage Sector
We look at lessons from the 2008 Great Recession. We interpret how this affected the UK haulage industry and in particular employment numbers within the Transport and Storage Sector then, more granularly, the UK LGV driver workforce.
c) The Impact of COVID-19 – Section 3: What is the Future for the UK Haulage Sector after COVID-19?
In this report we combine the key conclusions from the previous two sections to predict how the UK Haulage Sector and the LGV driver market will be affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis, the subsequent recession and recovery.
Jan 2020
Our first publication on the HGV Driver Shortage crisis. We discuss the impending “perfect storm” of conditions that will likely bring the shortage of LGV drivers in the UK to crisis level unless rates of pay and working conditions are rapidly improved.