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August Driver of the Month

Our way of saying Thank You to our drivers for going Beyond the Extra Mile!

Written by

Katy Tyler

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Our Driver of the Month for August is Malcolm Fenn from our Stevenage Branch. The team received a complimentary email from a client stating "We have had Malcolm all week and I just wanted to say he is brilliant and if he is ever available when we book a driver, we would love to have him again."

Our Stevenage Team also shared how Malcolm has only been back to work for two months after a very serious motorbike accident, so we really appreciate the great work he's been doing for us.

As a big "THANK YOU" for being a Driver Require Superhero we will be sending Malcolm a £25 Amazon gift card. Thank you for all your hard work Malcolm and for Going the Extra Mile, we are delighted to have you part of the Driver Require Team.

Tuesday 6th August 2024

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