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13th December 20212 mins readDriver Require Think Tank's latest Bulletin on the HGV driver shortage featured in The Express
Driver Require gives evidence at House of Commons Transport CommitteeExamining the challenges facing the road freight supply chain
UK driver shortage no longer critical but “significant” churn will continue without better pay and conditions, report warnsMotorTransport article on Driver Require's latest Bulletin on the HGV driver shortage
HGV driver shortage eases as hauliers return to workforceDriver Require's latest Bulletin on the HGV driver shortage in The Grocer
20 years of excellenceDriver Require mentioned in The Leaders Council, celebrating impressive milestone
MotorTransport & Pallet Track CEO endorse our ReportThe haulage industry is training sufficient HGV drivers but failing to retain them
CEO Kieran Smith talks to BBC Radio 4 TodayKieran Smith discusses the HGV driver shortage and answers questions on how to resolve the ongoing crisis
Getting to the bottom of the driver shortagePodcast with CEO Kieran Smith talking to Matt Eisenegger for CV Focus
Driver Shortage & Petrol Supply CrisisExtensive interviews in national media
Overseas interest in UK truck jobs keenest among those not qualifiedKieran Smith, CEO quoted in Financial Times article
The 2000 fuel crisis is no guide to 2021Kieran Smith, CEO and Driver Require Think Tank mentioned in The Evening Standard
Driver Require talks to BBC Radio 4 about the HGV Driver Shortage CrisisKieran Smith answers questions about how to resolve the crisis
Showing 12 of 69 news stories
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